Reach up to 67%
in the
pharmaceutical market

Dosiahnite až 67% expanziu na trhu

stay competitive and flexible in a world of
exponentially growing knowledge, increasingly sophisticated
technology and an unstable economic environment

zostaňte konkurencieshopní a flexibilní vo svete exponencálne rastúcich znalostí, stále sofistikovanejších technológií a nestabilného ekonomického prostredia


Top team

with professional training
and coaching

Full services

bringing business and marketing development

Satisfied partners

who have trusted us for 13 great years


#1 in outsourcing

We specialize in outsourcing representation by a sales team. That means a complex solution of operation and functional system of the sales team. Our role is to take responsibility for important HR agenda, training sales skills, Roman rhetoric, creative motivation of the sales team, coaching and passing on our own experience.

Cooperating with our outsourcing company A1 Team, Ltd., your company will gain sales and marketing representation without increasing expenditures on personnel and administration. You will be relieved of buying cars, laptops, telephones, etc. You will be able to focus your attention and saved finances on the development of your company, products and marketing itself, which is so vital and efficient at the current competitive market.


We operate on the Slovak
and Czech market


Sales team

01. Our sales team is highly motivated, which is directly connected with reaching the desired results and targets.

02. Our sales representatives are managed by experienced managers and fully report on their activities, including confirmations of visits to pharmacies. Each order is entered into the system daily and ready to be dealt with.

03. Our sales representatives acquire a quality training in sales skills, handling objections and Roman rhetoric.


Business partners


Our main goal

is to stabilize and strengthen the sales and marketing representation of our business partners and products. We want to expand via mutual cooperation, which naturally results in sales increase.

Our priority is business based on very good relationships and full service, the highest quality of the service we provide as a matter of course.


Let's talk

Business hours:

Monday-Friday: 7am - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm


Miroslav Hruška, managing director
+421 911 999 334

Miroslav Sandanus
+421 911 999 335

Now is the right
opportunity to achieve
your goals.

created by WEBCO 2021